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Invitation Letter  (You can cut and paste this invitation together with the reply slip, print and send to the PAP.

                                                                                       July 12, 2003


Dear Colleagues,

The Philosophical Association of the Philippines (PAP), Inc. is happy to announce its forthcoming mid-year conference. This will be on October 24, 2003 at Tanghalang Quirino, The Graduate School,  University of Santo Tomas, Manila.

The theme for this conference is "Philosophy and Political Responsibility." This is in line with our preparation for the coming elections next year.

For this one-day affair, the pre-registration fee is P1,000.00 and on site registration fee is P1,200.00. The fee will cover one meal (lunch) and snacks, registration fee, conference kit and certificate of attendance, and membership to the PAP. The deadline for pre-registration is September 20, (Saturday), 2003.

Kindly make checks payable to the Philosophical Association of the Philippines, Inc. and send to UST Graduate School, Espana, Manila.

For more information, kindly call 781-1816 (College of Commerce, UST, look for Dr. Jove S. Aguas) or send e-mail to jovejim24@yahoo.com. You can also check our website: http://pap73.tripod.com.

We hope to hear from you soon and participate in yet another successful conference.


 Sincerely yours,



                                                                               Jove Jim S. Aguas, Ph.D.

President, PAP


(Please make checks payable to Philosophical Association of the Philippines, Inc.)

reply slip


I will attend the conference. Please reserve for me one (1) slot. I am enclosing a [ ] check [ ] cash worth:

[ ] PhP 800.00 as partial payment [ ] PhP 1,000.00 as full payment

Name _____________________________________ School/Institution __________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________________________

Tel No. _____________________ Fax No. ______________________ E-mail ________________________


Reply slip, please send back to the PAP, c/o UST Graduate School, Espana, Manila or fax to 731-5396.